03/23/2025 / By S.D. Wells
If you eat “American” conventional food every day and use Western Medicine for your ills, you will surely die decades before the folks who eat mostly organic food and who take natural remedies. Why is that?
American “food” isn’t really food at all, as most of it is made up of synthetics, chemicals, processed junk-science food stuff, additives, preservatives, dyes, artificial flavors, GMOs, flavor enhancing concentrated salt derivatives, hormones, antibiotics, fluoride, bleach, emulsifiers, insecticide, pesticide and wait for it… coagulating canola oil.
A century ago, all of the preventable diseases and disorders in this country barely existed at all. Did you know that? There was hardly any case of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autism, dementia, ADD, ADHD, severe allergies, and the list goes on. Wonder why? Mainly because there were no vaccines or processed foods. American farmers weren’t yet spraying deadly chemicals all over the agriculture to kill bugs and weeds in order to make more money.
Then, the American Medical Association called all natural remedies quack medicine, while food factories started popping up right and left after WWII. Food became processed heavily with chemicals that keep it all from spoiling fast. Can it. Bag it. Box it. Freeze it. Who cares about American’s health right? Let them get sick and we’ll just make MORE money off that, Big Pharma said to Big Food.
See, most Americans burn the “health” candle at both ends. You’re not supposed to be suffering from preventable diseases and disorders your whole life, but as they say, garbage in, garbage out. When you eat and drink food toxins all day, for every meal, snack and beverage, it’s inevitable. We’re not even talking about toxic personal care products and home cleaning products here, just food and drinks.
Bread in America is made to last for weeks. It’s not normal. They use synthetic conditioners, emulsifiers, and foaming agents. Nearly all fast-food bread has these ingredients. That’s why millions of people have “gluten intolerance,” and Celiac’s, diverticulitis, IBS, and Crohn’s. Think about that for a second. The gluten sticks to the insides of your intestines, rotting, backing up all the other food for days, causing polyps, ulcers and cancer.
Toxic food dyes, not just FD&C red, but ALL the industrial-based dyes, cause behavior disorders and cancer. They are not food at all, but they’re in almost all colored food that’s not organic.
Nearly all tap water contains one of the most toxic chemicals on planet earth. There’s a by-product chemical that’s produced by the phosphate mining industry in China. China exports it so it won’t further pollute their already polluted country. They label it sodium fluoride, and ever since WWII, the U.S. government has dripped it into municipal taps for ONE REASON and one reason only – to make Americans sick (well, and stupid too).
If you don’t eat organic food regularly, or at least locally-grown food from trusted farmers who don’t douse chemicals all over their crops and produce, then you are engaged in the deadly American “diet.” It’s like the food pyramid, which was “built” to bury people under. Get it? Got seed oil disease? Got processed food disorder? Tune your food news frequency to FoodSupply.news and get updates on more toxic foods hitting the shelves that cause cancer, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, brittle bones, dementia, blood clots, and a calcified pineal gland.
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Tagged Under:
American Food, canola oil, clean food watch, diseases, disorders, food additives, ingredients, preventable diseases, seed oils, stop eating poison, toxic food, toxic ingredients, toxins
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